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CMS WebSites
CMS became a buzz word in the web development industry because of its benefits. CMS is a web application that provides capabilities for multiple users with different permission levels to manage web page (content) without the need to have HTML knowledge. Content Management System's allow for quick and easy management of the website content and facilitates use by non-technical users. There are various unique features which are offered by CMS like web based creating, publishing, storing and therefore maintaining the
website content. A CMS System facilitates a collaborative and productive work environment and enables real time updates.
Some advantages of using a CMS include:
Easy to use and content can be updates regularly without the involvement of the
development team.
Ability to provide different access levels to various users.
Ability to make design changes sitewide.
Improves SEO friendliness of the website.
Saves time and money.
Ability to add new features via plugins.
Enable Workflow management.
CMS web design enables easy customizations and enhancements.
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